Monday, October 7, 2013

Cattleya spp. hybrid Blooming!!

 Front View
 Four blooming this time!
 Four blooming this time!
 Closer View
 Closer View

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cattleya spp. Blooming!!!

 Cattleya spp. (Side View)
 Cattleya spp. (Bottom View)
 Cattleya spp. (Front View)
 Cattleya spp. (Side View)
 Cattleya spp. (Front View)
 Cattleya spp. (Front View)
Cattleya spp. (Front View)

Three Flowers Blooming this time!!!

September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cattleya spp. bud growing out!!

Cattleya spp.

 Cattleya spp. (Front View)
 Cattleya spp. (Bottom View)
 Cattleya spp. (Top to Bottom View)
Cattleya spp. (Closer Front View)

Three bud this time!!!

September 21, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Orchid Plant Description and Care


Name: "Phalaenopsis aphrodite"

Acquired on: June, 13/2011

Species description:

- 5 leaves about 23 cm long and 1 new leaf


-Dry aquatic and clear plastic pot



Spike Maturation- 2 weeks

Blooming Duration- 1 mouth

Flower Description:

- White Moth orchid ( Butterfly Orchid ) with yellow and red spots in the core.

Name: Phalaenopsis I-Hsin Song

Acquired on: November, 12/2012

Species Description:

- 3 leaves and 1 new bud


-Dry aquatic and clear plastic pot



Spike Maturation- one and a half weeks

Blooming Duration- 1 mouth

Flower Description:

Purple Pink Moth Orchid ( Butterfly Orchid ) with bright yellow spots in the core.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to redress orchid

How to do: 1. Find an iron wire
                  2. Bend it a half
                  3. Insert the iron wire through the media with the crooked orchid
                  4. Remember to regulate the iron wire through the media


Crooked Orchid
 Crooked Orchid ( Closer View )
 Iron wire
 Iron wire ( bend it a half )
 Insert it through the media with the crooked orchid
 Redress Orchid ( Front view )
 Redress Orchid ( Side view )
 Redress Orchid ( Closer view )
 Redress Orchid ( What a long wire!!XD )
 Redress Orchid ( Closer view )
 Redress Orchid ( Top to bottom view )
Redress Orchid ( Closer view )


How to disinfect virus in orchid media


How to do: 1. Take the media out from the orchid pot.
                  2. Tear the media until it fall apart.
                  3. Spread the scatter media on a mesh board. ( or other flat container )
                  4. Put the mesh board with the media under sunlight.
                  5. Remember to turn the media everyday.

Inflection: This will kill the virus in the media, so this media can be use for another healthy orchid.

 Corner View
 Different angle view
 Different angle view
Different angle view

Friday, August 2, 2013

Stop!! This Orchid is not died yet!!

Common people may think that after the leaves and stems of the orchid started to fall off and shrink, they certainly will pick it up and throw them away in the garbage can, but wait that orchid is not died yet!!

The orchid below is where I found it in the trash can in my grandpa's house that he committed it is died.

Even though the leaves and stem of the orchid are fall off and shrink, it doesn't mean that the whole plant is died, because this is just a process that the plant sacrifice part of its body that is unwanted and turn it in to nutrients for growing new buds.


 Far View of the orchid (Leaves falling off and stems shrinking )
Side View
Closer view
                                   ( See the shrinking stems at the back, the orchid is using the nutrient that it get from the stems to the new bud )
  Closer View ( Different angle )
                                                               ( Another way to check if your orchid is died or not is by looking at their roots )
 Closer View ( Different Angle )
Closer View ( Different angle )
( See the roots are still growing )

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daily waste that can become Green energy for Orchid

 Daily waste turn into fertilizer

  Front View
 Closer View
    Closer View ( Other angle )

Daily Waste: Green Tea leaf

Turn into: Fertilizer for orchid

How to do: Pour unwanted Green Tea leaf into the orchid bowl.

Solution: No pollution and save your own budget.