Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daily waste that can become Green energy for Orchid

 Daily waste turn into fertilizer

  Front View
 Closer View
    Closer View ( Other angle )

Daily Waste: Green Tea leaf

Turn into: Fertilizer for orchid

How to do: Pour unwanted Green Tea leaf into the orchid bowl.

Solution: No pollution and save your own budget.

Mistakes that Common Enthusiast Commit

                                                                                                   Mistakes Common Enthusiast Do

Front View
 Closer View
  Closer View ( Stem )

Name: Sun Burn

Cause By: Direct sunlight for a long time

What happen: Cause orchid tissue dry out ( Short Time )
                       Cause the part that get direct sunlight died, because vascular system
                       been destroyed ( Long Time )

Solution: Move orchid to an environment that has 70% of shade that cover the whole
               body of the plant and spread some moist on the plant. 

Common Disease for Orchid 2

                                                                                                                     Disease 3

                                                                                                                     Front View
                                                                                                              Top to Bottom View
                                                                                                                     Back View
                                                                                             Leaf dries ( Because stem been destroy )
                                                                                             Leaf turning yellow ( Cause by snail bite )

Name: Snail eating

Cause By: Snails

What happen: New buds get eaten.
                       Leaf start to turn yellow and dry out. ( because snail destroy orchid's stem )
                       Soon the whole plant will died by malnutrition.

Time: Any Time ( Dependent by the number of snails that is eating the plant )

Solution: Kill the snail by taking it away for the orchid and eschew moist environment for
              snails to reproduce and survive.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Common Diseases for Orchid


                                                                                                                      Front view
                                                                                         Up to bottom ( see the leaf start to turn yellow )
                                                                                                                       Side view
                                                                                                        Close up ( Leaf peeling off )
                                                                                                Close up view ( Roots shrinking )

Name: Yellow Leaf / Fusarium wilt

Cause By: Fusarium oxysprum f. sp, cattleyae ( Virus )

What Happen: - Leaf start to turn yellow, thin, shrink
                       - Roots start rotten, finally turn to brown and purple at the base of the plant.

Time: affect plants may live 3-9 weeks. ( Longer may be a year )

Solution: after plant died please put the media under the sunlight about 5-7 days. ( killing the virus in the media may prevent the next orchid from affection )

( Don't recommend using drug, because it is too expensive and not convenient, since we just plant for personal habit and entertainment )

                                                                                                                    DISEASE 2

 Up to bottom View
 Side View
 Closer View ( Look at the tip of the leaf )
 Closer View ( stem started to shrink and black spots appear )
  Closer View ( Leaf  tip slowly drying)
Closer View ( Leaf slowly drying )
Closer View ( Leaf dried )

Name: Anthracnose

Cause By: Colleetotriohum phalaenopsidis Peuzig

What Happen: - small black spots start appear at the tip of the orchard leaf and slowly spread to the base cause leaf to dry and fall off.

Time: During any season

Solution: put the orchid in a ventilate area and prevent high temperature and moist.

( All information above are from personal experience ( Pictures ) and research from the Internet ( Information ) Those aren't mine!! )