Friday, July 4, 2014


Botrytis: a kind of fungus that cause black or brown spots on the orchid flower, it usually happen to orchid                   flower that has been expose to high moisture environment.

Resolution: Eliminated the infected orchid flower
                 : Prevent high moisture environment and with the control of spreading water

Front View
Back View
Back View

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Orchid flower bud Technic!

30 cm iron wire
about 5 clippers
Orchid bud (2-4 days)
Closer look
After the bud is over 15 cm it is time to model it with iron wire.
When wiring the bud we need to leave extra 7 cm on the top in order to let the bud grow.
Warning: the wire must be in the deepest part of the clipper in order to protect the bud, and if the clipper is too small please change another one so it won't crush the bud. 
Wrong example!
Orchid bud (10 days)
Orchid bud (14 days)
Orchid bud (21 days)
When the bud knot start to grow close to each other that means the orchid is starting to grow flower bud.
Please stop the modeling the orchid bud with wire. (the flower bud will start to bend by itself)
Warning: the light source may affect the way the flower bud bend.
Orchid bud bend
After 4-5 days the flower bud will slowly grow out from the knot.
Warning: some bud may grow another branch from the knot it is your personally choice to break it or not, because the breaking of branches may concentrate the nutrients to the main branch causing the flower to grow bigger, while the more the branches the more flower you will get but the less pretty the flower will be by the separation of nutrients.
Flower bud growing out
Orchid buds

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Phalaenopsis (White Snow with Berries)

Phalaenopsis (White Snow with Berries) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Violet Red)

Phalaenopsis (Violet Red) January, 11 2014 

Phalaenopsis (Yellow Star)

Phalaenopsis (Yellow Star) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Hawaii)

Phalaenopsis (Hawaii) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Smooth)

Phalaenopsis (Smooth) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Tiny)

Phalaenopsis (Tiny) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Sakura)

Phalaenopsis (Sakura) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Dots)

Phalaenopsis (Dots) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (The Wild)

Phalaenopsis (The Wild) January 11, 2014

Phalaenopsis (Blood Vein)

Phalaenopsis (Blood Vein) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (White Scar)

Phalaenopsis (White Scar) January, 11 2014

Phalaenopsis (Purple Bubble)

Phalaenopsis (Purple Bubble), January 11, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rhynchostylis gigantea alba (Fox Tail Orchid)

 "Rhynchostylis gigantea alba", January 2014
"Roots in the size of a pencil"
 "30 cm"
"The same size as my finger"
 Flower Bud (Top view)
 "Flower Bud (Side view)"
"Three flower buds"
(Each Flower Bud is longer than 15 cm)